Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Jervis Bay

Another fun weekend was had by the Gifford Clan + 7 other brave souls!  We rented a 12 seater 'mini-bus' and headed down south a few hours to the beautiful Jervis Bay.  Seven of Devon's co-workers (aka baby helpers) tagged along on our fun road trip.

We rented a gorgeous 5 bedroom beach house - wish we could have stayed the whole week!  Isla has been asking to go back to her 'new house' ever since we got back.

The Beach house - so open and airy

Great view

Packing up for the day at the beach!

Lots of fun stuff to look at during low tide

Abel and Isla - good buddys
I didn't get any pics of the downstairs or the bedrooms, but it was all so nicely done.  It was hard to leave!

Saturday we went to Sharknet beach where we rented some kayaks.  I was even able to have a turn! It was absolute heaven floating around in the boat far from shore.  The day was gorgeous, blue sky, warm sun.  Ahh, this is what vacation feels like.  :)

Maybe when you're older Isla

Getting lessons

I need lessons on taking more photos.  I didn't get any of us actually kayaking or playing on the beach (slaps hand).  I am usually too busy chasing after 3 very wily kids.  Good thing 2/3 of them are afraid of the water.  Drew will run full on towards the water, that kid has no fear!  I think he's a mini-Devon.  Oh, I'm in trouble!

So check this out and tell me that something like this would NEVER be seen in the states:
Of Course Devon is at the top

Isla didn't make it quite as high.  Thank goodness
 Headed back to the house that evening for fajitas, pasta, and birthday cake for Michelle, one of Devon's co-workers.  Great ending to a great day.

On Sunday we spent the morning hanging out in the little town by our rental house.  The kids LOVED playing in the little tide pools.  They really enjoyed the calm waters - I think the waves really scare them. We packed up and said goodbye to the house and headed to Kangaroo Valley.  A cute small town which supposedly has a bunch of kangaroos.  Unfortunately no sightings for us.  It must have been too warm out for them.  Bummer!

Jill and Abel helping with Isla

She was so spoiled!  Ice Cream and a pin wheel

Devon is a Kangaroo

REESES!!!  Oh my mouth was watering... these were $4 per candy
After touring the town, we headed to a winery not far away.  It was absolutely gorgeous.

Abel and his sister Grace with the kiddos

Roaming chickens - they call them chucks here

Ian got a hold of the pin wheel

Abel and Drew hangin out

The Vino list

Drew trying to taste the 'grape juice'

This is Muscat the dog - named after a grape!

Our purchases
We left Kangaroo Valley and headed to a lighthouse and blow hole.  I just have to preface that Isla has been doing GREAT with being potty trained.  She had notified the entire van that she had to go potty as we were heading to the visitor center near the light house and blow hole.  But true with Aussie style, the restroom CLOSED at 5pm.  Who closes a bathroom.  Serioulsy, too bad people, you can't pee after 5pm.  Poor Isla.  Luckily I packed a pull up for this type of situation.  It was super windy and very cold, so as everyone else climbed around the rocks, I stayed in the van with the kids and made pb&js. I have discovered a good peanut butter and jelly sandwich is the perfect solution to on the road munchies for kids.  Won't eat it at home, but in the car - it's the best!

Low tide so blow hole was an empty hole
Last stop of the road trip was none other than McDonalds!  I think the Aussie McD's have much better play places then the States.  Also, please note that Isla's pull up was DRY.  She's such a big girl!

Arrived home around 11pm.  Long day and the kids did fabulous.  They were all chatty and smiles during the long car ride home.  Isla sang every song she knew, and made us all laugh with her antics.  Such a silly girl.

We were all so tired on Monday that we were in bed and sleeping by 9pm!

Tomorrow is Australia Day - equivalent to the 4th of July.  Devon has a day off of work, so we have the mini van again and are planning another adventure outside of the city.  I think we're going to play on some sand dunes and may check out some more wineries.  Fun stuff!

Love and miss you all!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A day on the road

We got our hands on a fabulous Toyota Tarago (aka minivan) on Saturday and spent a good 10 hours touring around greater Sydney area.  It was a much needed break from the city and we had so much fun!

We first started at the Featherdale Wildlife Park, about an hour outside of Sydney.  It was so much fun to hang with our friends the Kangaroos.

There were Emus also roaming around - huge fluffy birds that apparently think anything you have on you is for eating.  Those things go full on attack mode!  One grabbed a hold of a bottle and wouldn't let go.  We were playing tug of war for a bit - luckily I won.  I tried to upload a video of one of them attacking Devon but it didn't work.  Just use your imagination I guess!

Attacking Emu

Wombat - So cute!

Albino Kangaroo

Goats eating my stroller

Just a couple animals

After the Wildlife Park, we went to a farm that had a small Thomas the train set up in their field.  It was pretty awesome.  Who knew this would be a highlight of my weekend!


Hello!  They had the whole thing to themselves
The activities we do as a family are certainly different than what we would have done 5 years ago, but honestly it is such a blast to see the looks on the kids faces when they see new things.  It makes being a parent so fulfilling.  I had more fun riding on Thomas the train than I have had in a while.  It was so kitschy and silly!

After our fun with Thomas, we drove to a whitewater park that Devon was interested in seeing.  I don't have any pictures of it, but it was really sort of neat.  All man-made,  full with fun rapids, drops and play areas for kayaks.  They even had whitewater rafting.  It was built in a loop, you go around it and then a conveyer belt takes your boat up to the top again for another run.

Overall, a very fun Saturday!

Some more antics this past week:

1. Mommy broke the house again.

Broke two knobs off the stove - I barely touched them!
2. Fun at Mealtime

3.  Boys posing for the camera

4. Date Night

And just for kicks - What we were up to 1 year from today:

We're off to the aquarium today, and a weekend trip to Jervis Bay tomorrow.

Until next time!!
