Sunday, January 9, 2011


Did I get your attention?

Nope, not in our apartment - at least not lately!  We visited the Sydney Wildlife World where they keep all of Australia's most popular bugs, spiders, snakes, insects, and animals.  We had such a great time, Isla even got down and dirty with the resident cockroach.

She's so brave!
This is the girl that points to every piece of fuzz in our apartment and yells 'mommy there's a 'Cokkaroach!'  Making me go into hysterics (imagine me jumping on a chair with my broomstick in hand).  But we were all brave and gave this thing a good ol' pat down last weekend.  They're not so bad after all.

Crocs - Isla's favorite

A collection of very venomous spiders:

This picture was a funny accident.  Devon was walking past the boxing kangaroos and was punch in the face.  HA!


Oh Devon

Komodo Dragon

Largest Croc in captivity

Isla on a wombat

Fun was had by all at the Sydney wildlife world.  Isla has a strange love for gators, crocs and arachnids.  Strange child!

This is what we've been up to this past week:

Watching the ipad in daddy's blanket nest

Out and about with Sheepy

The bluest ice cream I have ever seen

As if one clown wasn't bad enough


She's saying 'That's my mommy!'
Tiger, the cat


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