Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sunday - Children's Farm

On one of Devon's many running routes around the city, he found the cutest little Children's farm.  This thing is right in the city!  We got off the train, and we were in sort of a dingy part of town, but all the sudden we came to a leafy green area that was transformed into a fabulous little farm.  There were goats, sheep, donkey rides, tractor rides, cows to milk, and Guinea pigs to cuddle.  A kids dream come true!

I told them to say "Milk the Cow!"

Drew is barely touching the thing

Isla got right down and dirty!

Ian on his donkey.  He named him Ferdinand

Drew on his donkey - he named him Bullseye

Isla feeding the horse

Look!  It's ME!

Cutest and most lovable goat ever!

She loved to get pet and kissed


Drew fell from a tree and landed on his face.  Poor guy.

Coming back from the farm and getting SLURPEES from 7-eleven.  Yeah, we're the best parents ever.

Red tongue Isla
We had such a great morning at the farm, but our afternoon consisted of packing up toys and straightening up the apartment for our move in EIGHT DAYS.  Not that I'm counting or anything.  We then went for a family swim in the pool.  I opted for the hot tub, it is way too freezing to go swimming in my opinion, but I was persuaded that I must come as well.  It's our last week, so I needed to comply.

Tomorrow I get another 'ME' day.  I will be shopping for gifts and things to bring back home as well as hitting a museum or doing things I wouldn't be able to do if I had kids with me.  I'm super excited to get into the city by myself while the stores are still open.  YAY!  Unfortunately Ian was starting to feel under the weather today, so I'm praying that he kicks it over night and wakes up happy and healthy.  Fingers crossed!

Oh, and green drink today was broccoli, cucumber, carrot, kale, apple, pear and lemon.  It was delicious!  And I am about to do 4 push ups.  Blogs are good for keeping me accountable.

Love yas!

Saturday - 12 Apostles

Despite a 104 degree temperature on Friday, Drew pulled through and was able to make the long trek to see the infamous Twelve Apostles on our last free weekend in Melbourne.  I am very proud of him for 'letting' mommy do the very last thing on my list of things to see and do before we leave.  It was cold, and it was cloudy but it was lovely.

Isla posing so nicely, and look at that smile!

Finding feathers and sea shells

This family photo depicts us so entirely.  We have so much fun together, do so many things and enjoy the beauty around us... but we're not perfect.  No matter how hard we try, there will always be a grumpy kid or a lack of focus.  We have learned that no matter how hard the road, we are doing it together.  We love our kids and want to capture every single moment.  Even the not so perfect ones!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Let's join some challenges!

Since the week days get pretty boring around here with the cold weather and lack of activities, I have decided to partake in a couple of challenges.. both of which are Facebook inspired.

Challenge #1: The 7 day green juice challenge.  This one is fairly simple really, just drink one fresh green juice every day.  I can eat whatever else I want, BUT at least I get all my green goodness in one concentrated juice-tastic vitamin fortified form.  YAY JUICE!

broccoli, alfalfa sprouts, kale, cucumber, apple

Challenge #2: The 100 day push-up Challenge.  Another pretty simple challenge, 1 push-up day 1, 2 on day 2, 3 on 4 and etc.  Push up #1 was today and I just BREEZED through that one.  Ha!  We'll see how I do on day 4.  I should do the same with sit-ups, and squats, and... we'll just start with push-ups and see how she goes.  YAY PUSH UPS!

Sorry, no pictures of me straining to do push-ups today.  However, Isla took a pic of me holding her tinkerbell.  Please also note the very long multi-colored hair (grey, brown, blonde etc.).  This will be getting cut and colored TODAY.  See keep an eye out for an after picture!