Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Let's join some challenges!

Since the week days get pretty boring around here with the cold weather and lack of activities, I have decided to partake in a couple of challenges.. both of which are Facebook inspired.

Challenge #1: The 7 day green juice challenge.  This one is fairly simple really, just drink one fresh green juice every day.  I can eat whatever else I want, BUT at least I get all my green goodness in one concentrated juice-tastic vitamin fortified form.  YAY JUICE!

broccoli, alfalfa sprouts, kale, cucumber, apple

Challenge #2: The 100 day push-up Challenge.  Another pretty simple challenge, 1 push-up day 1, 2 on day 2, 3 on 4 and etc.  Push up #1 was today and I just BREEZED through that one.  Ha!  We'll see how I do on day 4.  I should do the same with sit-ups, and squats, and... we'll just start with push-ups and see how she goes.  YAY PUSH UPS!

Sorry, no pictures of me straining to do push-ups today.  However, Isla took a pic of me holding her tinkerbell.  Please also note the very long multi-colored hair (grey, brown, blonde etc.).  This will be getting cut and colored TODAY.  See keep an eye out for an after picture!

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