Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sick Sick Sickity Sick

How is it that the entire family can get sick, but mom somehow miraculously skips it and stays healthy?  Sometimes I would like to be sick so that I can be taken care of.  Oh how I would love to stay in bed all day.  Do you think Devon would bring me chicken soup?

Oh wait, I'm dreaming again!  Not to make this a 'woah is me' post, but I really think that I'm not allowed to be sick.  God does this for a reason!  I am the care taker, the family nurse.  I should feel blessed to have an iron immune system.  But man, mommy wants some pampering too!  Anyone want to fly over to Sydney to take care of me?  Please?

:)  Hugs and love to everyone!  Stay healthy please!!

1 comment:

  1. Your immune system has always been stellar. However, I'd fly over in a heartbeat. Hang in there, mama!
