Tuesday, November 9, 2010

slip, slap, slop

Three weeks - I believe this is when I stop feeling like a tourist and start feeling more like a temporary local.  Although I haven't REALLY felt like a tourist because I have three kids.  Once upon a time I could walk into a store that caught my eye, or meander down the isles of the local market, take my time eating lunch at an outdoor cafe.  Not that I'm complaining, it's just different now.  Now I chow down my food which is usually something like crackers and a piece of cheese, and instead of meandering, I'm huffing and puffing pushing my stroller to the local play ground.  Not bad, just different.

I get to show my kids a new country.  They get to ride on ferries, and go on trains.  They see fireworks every weekend and learn new songs that we don't hear in the US.  I would say for right now, different is better.

The past few days have been full of adventure.  We start with Sunday, family fun day.  Every Sunday the trains and ferries only cost $2.50 all day.  Sounds fabulous right?  Well, too bad not all trains run on the weekends.  That didn't stop us though.. the Gifford's WILL prevail with this country.  We started with the ferry across the harbor to The Rocks.  We did a little shopping for Christmas presents (Ashley, Brody, Katie and Lucas are done!) then we meandered... um I mean, strolled... hmmm nope, plowed... yeah, that's it... up and down the Isles of The Rocks market.

Devon 'plowing'

We ate lunch

While Ian and Drew napped
 And then on to the Redbull Flugtag!  We got as close as we wanted to get and watched a couple of the flying machines make their plunge into the water.  I tell ya, the hobbies people have...

We hung out a bit in the botanical gardens:
Drew exploring
Devon playing
all those black things in the trees are BATS
Then it was time to head home for nap time.  Believe it or not, EVERYONE slept.  Well, except for me of course.  I'm not a nap taker anymore.  I took advantage of my quiet solitude and just sat on the couch. Ahhhh, love.

Upon waking, we packed up and headed out again.  This time to Darling Harbour.  First stop, dinner at James Squire brewpub.  We had a blast!  And got to drink beer too!

Then walked along the harbour and played in the fountains:

Fabulous end to a fabulous day!

Monday was spent waiting for the internet guy.  He showed up RIGHT at noon (had an 8-12 window) and proceeded to tell me that our apartment isn't wired for internet or phone.  BLARGGGHHH!  Devon has contacted the agent about it and 'hopefully' we can get a jack put in.  Talk about ARCHAIC.  Australia, we will prevail!

Had to get out of the apartment on Tuesday, so I decided to take the kids back to Darling Harbour to the aquarium.  I bought the 'Adventure Pass' that allows us unlimited access to the aquarium and 3 other fun attractions.  I'm sure we'll get our money's worth on that purchase.  We had SO much fun!  We saw sharks, octopuseses.. er octopi, squids, penguins, sting rays, and dugongs.  We walked through sea tunnels, and on top of glass floors, and pet sea urchins.  The boys slept through half of it, but woke up all wide eyed.  They were fascinated.

Will get pics of the aquarium posted later.  Internet is acting up and I have a very tired 2 year old!

Love and miss you all!



  1. Sounds like you guys are really taking to these daily adventures! How great for the kids. I especially love the pic of the boys sacked out in the stroller. So cute. They looked pooped out. Miss you guys.

  2. I know what "Slip, Slap, Slop" means. =)
