Saturday, January 12, 2013

Saturday - More Shopping... and a little fun too

We have spent the last two days here just stocking up the apartment with all the essentials.  Thank goodness Devon is around to help with the momentous task!

Friday - Target to buy a fan (that doesn't work by the way), and a broom and dust pan (that I later found was already in the apartment).  And some other essentials - like the water noodle discussed in my previous post.  Too bad we have to make the trek back downtown to do some returns.  It's not as easy as strapping the kids in the mini van at home so that Target can scan your card, make the return and voila! you are on your merry way.  If it hasn't changed since the last time we were here, there is this HUGE process where I must sign on many dotted lines, give them my bank account info, and promise my eldest son.  Of course I am exaggerating.  It just takes a little longer, that's all.  :)

Saturday - We signed up for car sharing last time we were in Australia and as it happens, there is a teeny tiny minuscule little Yaris that is part of the program parked right in front of our apartment.  SCORE!!  We decided to book the car for the whole day so we could do some more shopping.

Cozy in the back seat
First we ventured to Costco.  And for all of you who are curious, yes - it is exactly the same as at home.  Costco on a Saturday - very busy, kids climbing all over the cart and running around the store wanting to try all the samples.  We spent a ton of money, then had lunch - pizza, chicken wrap, bulgogi bake (yep and it was good!) a hot dog, iced coffee and Lift (fizzy lemonade).

Bulgogi Bake!
After Costco, we headed back home to unload our goods and then packed a picnic dinner and jumped back into the tiny Yaris for a trip down the coast.  We found a nice little beach to romp around.  Keep in mind it was a bit on the chilly side and very windy.  Isla was unstoppable.  She was in her element!


Ian was a little unsure..

Collection of rubber shoes

After the beach, we headed towards a playground and picnic area.  The kids loved it.  My goal tomorrow is to find a play ground in the area for the kids to play on.  It may be a lofty one.  In my recent explorations of the area, I have not come upon any.  I am up for the challenge!

Today (Sunday) we will be heading to Ikea via public transport.  I bet you are all super excited to read about that post tomorrow!  Stay tuned, it should be a good one!

G'day and See ya'll later!


  1. I hope that you will find a playground for your little ones. You are so adventurous. I envy your youth and vitality. You are "grabbing the gusto" while you can. So will we, when we come to visit you. Take care.

  2. We're enjoying your posts but find it a little bit difficult to maneuver around On our iPhones I guess we need to use our laptop
