Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Date Night!

A spur of the moment urge to get a babysitter on this Wednesday night has led to one of the most fabulous date nights here in Melbourne!

Had a great day all around!  I have been craving other adult interaction for WEEKS and finally my Chicago friend Briana (the one I met while in Sydney) was in the area, so we decided to meet up for coffee and a catch up.  We ended up going to the Botanical Gardens to let the kids run around while we talked about life and soak up the beautiful autumn weather.  It was just what I needed.  What's more, I was able to go out and spend some quality time with Devon tonight.  We didn't have any destination in mind.  Decided to walk up and down the popular Chapel Street - which reminded me a lot of the trendy uptown in Mpls.  We were carrying around a bottle of wine that Erin Dockter bought us while she was here to see if we could find a BYO restaurant that would let us drink it.  Devon found a fantastic little French restaurant on a side street tucked away in a quiet corner.  It was absolute perfection. Great food, great conversation, great wine.  Life is good!

What a great day.  I spent time with the kids, with a good friend and with my hubby.  Just enough to give me the rejuvenation I need to get through the week!

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